Saturday, May 1, 2010

Flying Penguins vids & Ukastle Ukestra public debut

Oh Please!!!! Someone give us a name!!!

We are not happy with 'The Flying Penguins'. There are too many penguins out there. The Ballpoint Penguins, The Penguin Cafe Orchestra, and Aviva and the Flying Penguins. Naming bands in the global internet age is a nightmare.

The name is good, has a lovely genesis, portrays a certain stupidity, and we have the credibility of an onboard marine biologist to confirm our unique discovery. But there is always that band in Atlanta that could confuse things for us. Newcastle. Atlanta. Newcastle. Atlanta. Damn.

We felt very pleased with our performances at St Albans, and I miss Mick & Nikki. One gets quite involved with people with whom one makes music. Mick's sister filmed us at St Albans, and Jane & I watched a suite of songs last night. Jane's first ever time of watching herself in that sort of a way. We were mightily pleased. Excited even! I am v. hopeful that the material will now provide us with sufficient propaganda for us to get gigs in the various places that would be appealing. Festivals. The snow. The reef. yay and phew .... Thank-you Kim (Mick's sister)!!!!

And yesterday was a very busy day. The Ukastle Ukestra debuted at the Olive Tree Markets. And the night before we had some really lovely television coverage on the local news. We got the cutesie 'animals & community' slot after the weather. Prime time!!! Everyone loves the weather. Betty & Ted from Argenton (who are nearly 80) said everything that I would want to say about the work I am doing. It was a good day (even though we blocked up the Markets for a while with audience).


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